SCAD patients experience different symptoms; the most common are:
- Central chest pain
- Pain or numbness in one or both arms
- Jaw pain
- Back pain
- Shoulder pain
- Nausea
- Sweating/clamminess
- Difficulty breathing

Getting a diagnosis
Chest pain in young, fit people with no history of or risk factors for heart disease, is often dismissed as anxiety, panic attacks, indigestion, gall stones and other conditions.
It’s important that a diagnosis of SCAD is not delayed. The sooner a diagnosis is made, the better the outcome is likely to be. The longer blood flow is reduced, the higher the chance of permanent damage to heart muscle.
Tests to diagnose heart attacks and SCAD include:
- ECG (electrocardiogram) – although ECGs can look normal in some SCAD patients
- Blood tests to assess Troponin levels. (Troponin is a protein that is released into the blood during a heart attack – read more in the FAQ below)
- Angiogram
- CT scan
You may also be given an Echocardiogram which shows how well the heart is functioning and what your Ejection Fraction is (see FAQ below for more).
Current best practice is that patients should be monitored in hospital for at least five days because the majority of recurrent SCADs occur during early follow-up.
See more about diagnosing heart attacks on the NHS website.
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Click on the links below for information about Recurrence, SCAD and Genetics. Patients who would like to request a referral to a SCAD specialist should have a look at the Clinic Referrals page.
Symptoms & Diagnosis…
Around 10% of patients will have more than one SCAD, but research suggests the outcomes are good. Controlling blood pressure and stress is important
SCAD and Genetics
SCAD is not caused by a single gene, but research is starting to uncover genetic risk factors for SCAD
Clinic Referrals
Many patients find it helpful to be referred to a SCAD specialist to discuss treatment and further tests if they are needed
For Patients...
What is SCAD?
Learn about Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection, who can be affected and how you can get support to help you on your post-SCAD journey
What is SCAD?Symptoms & Diagnosis
Understand the symptoms of SCAD, tests to diagnose it, genetic variants linked to SCAD and the chances of a recurrence
Symptoms & DiagnosisLiving with SCAD
This section discusses what your recovery might look like, the emotional impact of SCAD and practical things such as returning to work, travel and finances
Living with SCADSCAD Stories
Every SCAD patient’s experience is different, but you may find you relate to some of these stories
SCAD StoriesAssociated Conditions
Read about other diseases have been found to have an association with SCAD
Associated Conditions