Emotional and psychological recovery from SCAD can take longer than the physical one.
Sorting out our heads after SCAD is key to physical recovery. It is hard to do one without the other! Many people suffer with anxiety and panic for the first time in their life. Rest, loving support, healing and counselling can all help.

Fit and healthy mum, Sarah, says her mental recovery was harder than the physical
Sally Bee, who has had two SCADs, gives some helpful advice from the patient perspective
Dr Abi Al-Hussaini, SCAD expert at the Chelsea & Westminster hospital, explains the mental well-being side of getting over a SCAD in this video.
For many, talking to friends or family, engaging with the SCAD survivor community on Facebook and using reputable websites such as the BHF and Beat SCAD is enough to provide the support they need but, for others, it feels more serious. If you need support here are some options.
- Talk to your Cardiac Rehab team if still doing rehab, as some have links with psychological support, eg Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help patients manage stress and anxiety. Click here for NHS information on CBT.
- Talk to your GP, for possible referral for counselling and/or medicinal support (sleeping tablets, anti-depressants etc).
- Self-refer to counselling
- Research private counselling near to where you live.
- Insight IATP offers free NHS talking therapies in some UK regions. There may be similar services in your area.
A key principle to good mental health is to try to ‘live in the moment’ instead of worrying about what the future might hold. This can be easier said than done, of course.
Taking a holistic approach can help. Many SCAD patients find that investigating things like yoga, Pilates, mindfulness, breathing exercises, guided meditations etc all help them to manage stress and anxiety and live more ‘in the moment’ as they recover from their SCADs.
There are also some resources below with a few ideas to try.
Click on the links below for suggestions on how to Cope with Hypervigilance.
Families and friends can also be affected by SCAD and this page offers some advice.
Very sadly, some SCAD patients do not survive, so if you have lost a loved one, read our Bereavement page where there are resources that may help.
General information, including how to refer yourself (you don’t need to access counselling via your GP)
BACP Register of Counsellors and Psychotherapists
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
EMDR Association – EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing therapy) to help treat post-traumatic stress disorder
NHS information on mindfulness
Mindful information on mindfulness
Practising Gratitude (lots of information on this here but practising gratitude can be as simple as thinking of three things you are grateful for as you go to sleep, which will hopefully promote positive dreams).
Watch Sally Bee, who has had two SCADs, explain why ‘because it’s your heart, it plays with your head.
SCAD and Wellbeing – Dr Colette Soan, a local authority educational psychologist and a lecturer at the University of Birmingham, who has had two SCADs and has a diagnosis of FMD (Fibromuscular Dysplasia) was our keynote speaker.
Vicky Bailey, who had a SCAD in May 2019, is a psychotherapist and coach. She documented her SCAD journey in video blogs on her Youtube channel. Click here to view Part 1.
She also very kindly hosted some free webinars for SCAD patients focusing on things such as gratitude, anxiety, journalling and being mindful.
Emotional Impact...
Coping with Hypervigilance
It's natural after a SCAD to be focused on every pain and twinge, but you can learn strategies to lessen the anxiety
Families & friends
Families and friends are also affected by SCAD and may need support to process what has happened to their loved one
Sadly, sometimes SCAD can be fatal. Beat SCAD will do all we can to support those who have lost loved ones.
Dr Abi Al-Hussaini, SCAD expert at the Chelsea & Westminster hospital, explains the mental well-being side of getting over a SCAD in this video.
For many, talking to friends or family, engaging with the SCAD survivor community on Facebook and using reputable websites such as the BHF and Beat SCAD is enough to provide the support they need but, for others, it feels more serious. In you need support here are some options.
- Talk to your Cardiac Rehab team if still doing rehab, as some have links with psychological support, eg Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help patients manage stress and anxiety. Click here for NHS information on CBT.
- Talk to your GP, for possible referral for counselling and/or medicinal support (sleeping tablets, anti-depressants etc).
- Self-refer to counselling
- Research private counselling near to where you live.
- Insight IATP offers free NHS talking therapies in some UK regions. There may be similar services in your area.
A key principle to good mental health is to try to ‘live in the moment’ instead of worrying about what the future might hold. This can be easier said than done, of course.
Taking a holistic approach can help. Many SCAD patients find that investigating things like yoga, Pilates, mindfulness, breathing exercises, guided meditations etc all help them to manage stress and anxiety and live more ‘in the moment’ as they recover from their SCADs.
Anxiety can become a feature of post-SCAD life for many, with every slight change in the body causing a ‘what was that?’ lurch in the pit of the stomach. With a mind on high alert, it is no surprise that a small change in the body can quickly cause a massive over-reaction by the nervous system.
Panic attacks can very easily mimic heart attacks. Some re-admissions to hospital after SCAD for chest pain that turn out to be a false alarm may be caused by anxiety. Some people talk to their GP and get medications to support them.
There are lots of other things to try too: learning how to ‘rest’ the brain is key to mental recovery. Click here for an example of a relaxation video. There are many other resources online, from breathing mindfully, learning ‘rectangular breathing’, to practising mindfulness. It is very important to also prioritise sleep.
At other times distraction can be a solution… jigsaws, craft activities, stroking a pet etc. Watching funny TV is great as well – laughter really is the best medicine.
Our family and friends can be affected by our SCADs, and there is support for them too. The SCAD Friends and Family Support group on Facebook is a safe place for family and friends to support each other, discuss how a loved-one’s diagnosis affects them, the tactics and solutions they have found useful, and to provide opportunities for people to meet.
A parent’s illness can be traumatic for children, who can be fearful, scared, blame themselves or express other emotions and behaviours. For those who have children, whether or not they witnessed your SCAD, have a look at our information sheet about how to talk to children about SCAD, which may help you discuss it with them (go to the Downloads and Leaflets page).
Catherine Beck, former Health Play Specialist and SCAD patient explains how to talk to children in this videoand help them come to terms with what has happened to you.
SCAD patient, Sam, has written about her experiences and how she and her husband helped their daughter understand and cope with what Sam had been through.
Living with SCAD...
Emotional Impact
Emotional and psychological recovery often takes longer than physical recovery, but there is help available
Emotional ImpactAdvocating for Yourself
Knowledge is power! SCAD is uncommon, so help your doctors to help you by becoming well informed
Advocating for YourselfSCAD Information Pack
Create a pack of information and documents to carry with you in case of emergency
SCAD Information PackReturning to Work
Hints and tips about what to consider when thinking about returning to work after a SCAD
Returning to Work